This coastal nation that lies north of Ierendi is the homeland of the halflings
("hin"). Though these lands have been three times ruled by outsiders (twice by orcs, once by dwarves), the Five Shires are
now ruled entirely by hin, and constitute an independent nation with a strong army and navy.
The Five Shires region is a broad, deeply-forested piece of rolling land.
The land is quite fertile and hin farmers can get two or three harvests per year; the Five Shires export a lot of grain to
Darokin, Glantri, and Karameikos.
The Five Shires is divided into five regions, called shires, each of which
is semi-independent and ruled by a sheriff. The shires include Seashire, Highshire, Eastshire, Heartshire, and Southshire.
There are five sheriffs-
Seashire: Jaervosz Dustyboots
Highshire: Multhim Greybeard
Eastshire: Maeragh Littlelaughs
Heartshire: Delune Darkeyes
Southshire: Sildil Seaeyes
The great majority of residents of the Five Shires are halflings. But, while
most humans think that halflings are peace-loving and harmless, there are many halfling adventurers and buccaneers in this
Adventure Opportunities:
An orc invasion is always possible, and the hin would be grateful to PCs
who stayed around to help.